North Carolina Shows 2016
Concord Show on April First weekend Day one - Lil-Ponderosa Blossoms At Toyyoyo Acres takes WB BOS over a special and Best Owner Handle under Judge Joy Brewster and Starkota N Toyyoyo's Starsky takes reserve Day Two- Under Judge Ed Bivin Starsky takes WD, BW, and Best Owner Handle and Blossom takes reserve. Day four - Blossom and Toyyoyo's We Love You Shooter takes reserve to a major. North Carolina Shows 2015
Midnight took WD for his first point Eagle CO show 2014
We cleaned house Honor took Winners Dog, Midnight took Reserve Elle Took Winners Bitch and Best Winners and BOB for Owner Handler thing. And Candy took reserve. Prada Took Reserve. under Mrs Clark Second day Elle took Winners Bitch and Best Opp. Cowboy took reserve at 6 months old first time in ring. Majik took reserve. Prada took Reserve. Under Judge Bivin Logan Show 2014
Honor went Winners Dog for his first point Las Vegas 2014
Camie took WB n Best Opp both days for two more points. Honor takes reserve, n best bred by and on to take a group 4 in bred by ring. Midnight takes best Puppy and on to get a group 3 in best puppy. Midnight is our Black Tan Brindle. Farmington Show 2013
My mother passed away while I was attending this show. I dont remember much, so i will have to look up what we did. I do remember Blu taking best bred by and Majik won one day. Logan Show May 17, 2013First Day
Redhots You Wiley Do Love <e "Willy" takes WD, BW, and BOB Camoflauge Camie At Toyyoyo Acres takes WB, and BOO Starkota's Legally Blonde takes reserve and Brightlees Shimmering Cloud takes reserve and Lavidas Casting a Spell At Toyyoyo Acres takes reserve Second Day Brightlees Shimmering Cloud takes WD and BOO Wiley takes reserve Lavidas Casting a Spell At Toyyoyo Acres takes reserve South Jordan 5/2 thru 5/5 2013
first day
Lavidas Casting A Spell At Toyyoyo Acres "Majks" first show, first time ever in the ring and he takes reserve Camoflauge Camie at Toyyoyo Acres first show, first time ever in the ring takes winners bitch and best of opp, for her first points Starkota's Legally Blonde "Elle" takes reserve Second day Majks first show, second time ever in the ring and he takes winners dog and best of opp for his first point Camoflauge Camie at Toyyoyo Acres first show, second time ever in the ring takes winners bitch and best of opp, Starkota's Legally Blonde "Elle" takes reserve 3rd day Camoflauge Camie at Toyyoyo Acres first show, takes winners bitch and best of opp, Starkota's Legally Blonde "Elle" takes reserve 4th day Camoflauge Camie at Toyyoyo Acres first show, takes winners bitch and best of opp, she now has 4 points Starkota's Legally Blonde "Elle" takes reserve Las Vegas 2013
first day Elle - 1/R 6STARKOTA'S LEGALLY BLONDE. second day CHIHUAHUAS (SMOOTH COAT), Open Bitches . LuLu gets first in her class 1 16 TOYYOYO JOHNNY CASH GLASS OF BUBBLES. and POMERANIANS, Open Dogs . Wiley takes reserve 2/R REDHOTS YOU WILEY DO LOVE ME. and POMERANIANS, Open Bitches . Elle wins her claass over a Jan Shar 1 6STARKOTA'S LEGALLY BLONDE. TS145466/01. 12/03/2010. BREEDER: MELISSA PFANNERSTILL & BAILEY PFANNERSTILL & NIKI. By Ch ELUSIVE TOYS EMINEM GOTTA RAP-LIL-PONDEROSA STUFF OF DREAMS. OWNER: CAROL ANDERSON & MELISSA PFANNERSTILL & BAILEY PFA. 2 14JAN-SHARS FASHIONISTA. TS015005/02. 03/10/2010. BREEDER: Sharon Hanson. By Ch Jan-Shars Deal Or No Deal-Jan-Shars Whoopi. OWNER: Sharon Hanson. AGENT: Letitia Cannon.POMERANIANS, Best of Breed Competition . |
Logan Show May 2012

Maverick took Reserve Winners at 6 years old 2nd time in the ring.
SweeTee got Winners Bitch both days for 2 AKC points, her first points.
SweeTee got Winners Bitch both days for 2 AKC points, her first points.
South Jordan, UT 2012

South Jordon Show in Utah May 2012
May 3rd and 4th - Willy Reserve both days and SweeTee Best Of Opp both days
May 5th - and 6th - Willy Reserve both days and SweeTee Best Of Opp both days
May 3rd and 4th - Willy Reserve both days and SweeTee Best Of Opp both days
May 5th - and 6th - Willy Reserve both days and SweeTee Best Of Opp both days